Jeff Harris
I have been hunting since I was 10 years old and I am currently 29. Growing up in Northern California provided an adventure, everyday consisted of hunting, fishing or at least shooting my air rifles. At age 12 my father gave me my first bow and I would practice daily in the front and back yards; though it would be a few years before I hunted with one. My family moved to southern California when I was nearly 14 and I fell out of touch with bow hunting but I continued to rifle hunt until I joined the U.S. Navy. In January of 2004 I embarked on my naval career. While I was stationed in Guam, I bow hunted as much as possible; but because I was constantly underway, I wasnt afforded the time to dedicate to my hunting efforts. In January 2010 I was honorably discharged from the United States Navy and 2 weeks later my father and I were in Arizona for a late season deer hunt. I was successful in harvesting a mature Coues buck with a bow. In June of 2013, I took up residence in San Diego and I brought my bow down from my home town so that I could shoot in my off time. I began shooting after work; soon it became more than just something to pass time with but an actual passion that I had not known. As my bow was nine years old, I decided to purchase a new bow. In September of 2013, with my new bow in hand, I began shooting 3D tournaments and I became instantly hooked. Since then I have attended any and every 3D or paper round I could manage. Additionally, I shot in Vegas in 2014 as well as a number of recognized tournaments in southern California. I enjoy all aspects of archery, whether it is getting in the blind for an earlier morning September hunt or warming up for 3D as the sun crests the eastern mountains of San Diego. I feel very privileged to be a part of the BowTech team and I am looking forward to this year!