Parrey Cremeans
Parrey has been a Bowtech Shooting staff member for close to 10 years now. Parrey is also the Western Regional Prostaff manager for Mossy Oak. As a proficient hunting archer Parrey also represents numerous companies in our industry. Parrey also owns and opperates an Outfitting business out of Redding, Ca. that hunts world wide. Growing up in Northern California, Parrey has been an avid bow hunter for 36 years. Parrey has pursued all species of big game in his native area, but has made Blacktail deer his number one passion. He has taken a dozens of Pope and Young Blacktail bucks and is considered one of the countries top Blacktail experts. Parrey also hunts most of the western states pursuing elk, mule deer, black bear, turkey, wild pig and antelope with his bow and arrow. In addition to his bow hunting experience, he has been an outfitter for the past 13 years. Whether hunting for himself or guiding for a client, Parrey takes his hunting serious, but still allows time to have fun and enjoy the experience. He uses his vast knowledge of western big game hunting and the requirements it takes; to help others make their hunting experiences more successful. Currently the success Parrey has experienced has produced a number of TV Show and DVD appearances. With those appearances, interviews, and seminars coupled with blogs and some articles Parrey continues to offer his experience and outdoor knowledge to all that want to make the best of their outdoor experience. One of the most enjoyable and exciting experiences Parrey looks forward to is teaching the passion of the outdoors to his grandsons and hunting with them. Parreys advice to others Be a steward of the land and by all means, have fun.