Ashley Kosack
As a native to one of the largest public hunting systems in the country, the swampland is my home. With ten years of hunting under my sights my range for adventure continues to grow. Though Florida is known as the state with no season, that statement is only true for those who dont hunt. I strive to keep myself on the edge of my stand by following the large variety of species, with whitetail being my favorite. Archery was the greatest serendipity moment, when my now husband introduced me to the sport. It was then that my passion sparked for the outdoors. From then on I am eager for the early morning hikes covered in Mossy Oak with my BowTech in hand. Now as a certified instructor, I get to share my knowledge and understanding of the hunt with new hunter’s that take my Hunter Safety Course. The most joyous part for me is the excitement I see in the faces of my children and others that I have encouraged.