David Chapman
It sounds cliché to say that bowhunting is my passion but I am going to say it anyways. My grandfather influenced me at a very young age with his stories of hunting whitetail with a longbow in the Ozarks of Missourri. He still pushes me to do more and be better to this day. Besides my fiance and two little girls, everything in my life revolves around hunting. Writing magazine articles, producing gear reviews and short films, presenting seminars, taking high quality photos, and recently taking on the role as a literary consultant to some of the best hunters on the planet all keeps me going in a positive direction. As great as all of these accomplishments may seem to some, they are not personal milestones. My one goal in the world of hunting is to give back. I am no expert. I am a student of hunting. I have had some success in the field and feel that through my efforts I can give back to those that want to learn. I founded Project Backcountry to do just that. A group of succesful, well respected hunters that are willing to share their secrets and are always eager to answer questions. I am very fortunate to have a family that understands my passion. Some day when I am too old to pull a bow back or strap on a pack and take off into the mountains, I want to look back and reflect on not only what I took from hunting but more importantly, what I gave back to the most fascinating, challenging, and rewarding sport known to man.