Greg Dyson
I’m Greg Dyson, I have been shooting bows since the age of 7, growing up in the central valley California hunting squirrels and any other small game that dare show themselves. At the age of 10 years old I studied and passed my hunters safety course and began hunting deer, it wasn’t but a couple years and in harvesting my first buck blacktail deer it became clear that hunting rewarded me with the most self gratification of all the sports a young man has before him, after several nice bucks I began to hunt out of state and my love for Elk and Elk hunting began. This year will be my 19th year of chasing the great Wapiti through the beautiful Blue Mtn. of eastern central Oregon (Rocky Mtn.) I’ve harvested 28 Bull Elk, 12 making the P&Y record book along with close to a 100 Blacktail Bucks, 14 Bucks making the same book, a dozen Black Bears, a couple Pronghorn Antelope, half a dozen Turkeys pretty much fills my resume to date. Being chosen as a Bowtech Prostaffer is without a doubt the Highlight of my little Ol’ Bowhunting career. What comes with prostaffing is the opportunity to help grow the great sport of Archery and Archery Hunting, Bowtech being the manufacturers of the very best Archery equipment made gives me a great opportunity to promote and grow this great sport. I feel a great depth of accomplishment being chosen as a Bowtech Prosaffer.